Artificial Intelligence & Ethics: Making AI Your Assistant Not Your Competitor

Artificial Intelligence & Ethics: Making AI Your Assistant Not Your Competitor
Photo by Compare Fibre / Unsplash

Innovation is the ability to see change as an opportunity – not a threat. - Steve Jobs

We looked at some of the concerns and we choose to see the opportunities that can arise from these disruptive innovations.

What to do about it?

Not all the answers are known. There are some tough questions to ask about what is permissible and ideas that we have to let go of. The cat is out of the bag. Technophobia won’t help you. Those who do not use power out of fear get conquered by those who use it without any remorse or regret.

One way to do this is by promoting education and awareness about AI. Providing resources and information that help people better understand AI and its applications can be an effective way to demystify this magical stuff in front of us. This includes understanding the technology's limitations and potential benefits. Know what you are dealing with and you can exercise power. Make the technology open so that the efforts are decentralised rather than being controlled by the few.

In addition, emphasizing collaboration can help people to better understand the value of AI. It's important to showcase AI as a tool that can complement human skills and expertise, rather than replace them. This means that we should focus on how AI can enhance human capabilities, rather than creating fear of being replaced by machines. For example, AI can help doctors analyze complex medical data to make more accurate diagnoses. This can help healthcare providers improve patient outcomes and save lives.

Ethical considerations are also an important aspect of the AI discussion. Engaging in open and transparent discussions about the ethical implications of AI is critical to gaining public trust. Acknowledging and addressing concerns about privacy, fairness, and accountability can help people understand the importance of responsible development and deployment of AI. Don't behave like a closed AI system that has no concerns for us, mere mortals.

Showing relatable applications of AI can also help people understand the benefits of the technology. When people can see how AI can improve their daily lives, they are more likely to embrace technology. For example, AI-powered voice assistants can help people manage their daily tasks, from setting reminders to ordering groceries online. This convenience can have a significant impact on people's lives, especially for those with mobility challenges. In fact, many people already know of its application in something like Siri. No uproar about that yet.

Finally, emphasizing adaptability can help people embrace the benefits of AI. Don't just tell people to suck it up! Show them how to take advantage! Make them dream and imagine. Many people who had artistic ideas but little expertise or money to hire professionals have taken great strides to articulate their vision with technological changes like samplers in music or Photoshop and now image generators.  While change can be difficult, humans have a long history of adapting to new technologies. Encouraging the development of new skills and a growth mindset can help individuals embrace change and see AI as an opportunity rather than a threat. This can lead to a more positive and proactive approach to AI and the possibilities that it can bring to the world.

Overall, by promoting education, collaboration, ethics, relatable applications, empathy, responsible development, and adaptability, we can help people embrace AI as a transformative force for empowerment. AI has so much potential. We have only seen a small hint of the possibilities.

My short-term projection

Have you ever noticed how the media loves to make a big fuss about everything? Well, one of their favorite things to sensationalize is the supposed threat of automation to our jobs. Sure, it's true that as technology advances and legal frameworks shift, certain jobs will become less in demand. But let's not get ahead of ourselves - we're not all going to be replaced by robots just yet.

Think about it - we've had robotic arms in factories for years now, but they haven't completely taken over the jobs of the people in charge of overseeing them. And the same goes for software engineering. While there may be a decrease in the quantity of classically educated engineers needed, the demand for their unique skill sets will never disappear entirely. What's the new job going to be? We will see. We mostly used to be farmers, now look at us!

That being said, there may be some changes in the day-to-day work of a software engineer. You might find yourself taking on more client-facing tasks, or simply having to work harder to keep up with the new pace of things. But hey, at least you won't be bored, right?

So don't worry too much about the media's "sky is falling" mentality when it comes to job automation. The truth is, high-skilled labor will only be replaced if there is something that can do the job just as well, for less cost or at a faster speed. And we've still got a long way to go until that happens or maybe not. Exciting!